This paper is devoted to a study of special subgroups of automorphism groups of Kronrod-Reeb graphs of Morse functions on 2-torus T 2 which arise from actions of diffeomorphisms preserving a given Morse function on T 2. In this paper we give a full description of such classes of groups. S(f, X) = {h ∈ D(M, X) | f • h = f }, O(f, X) = {f • h | h ∈ D(M, X)} the stabilizer and the orbit of f ∈ C ∞ (M). Endow C ∞ (M) and D(M, X) with strong Whitney topologies; for a fixed f ∈ C ∞ (M) these topologies induce some topologies on S(f, X) and O(f, X). By D id (M, X), S id (f, X), and O f (f, X) we denote connected components of the identity map id M of D(M, X), S(f, X), and the component of O(f, X)