In higher plants, vacuoles increase their volumes in accordance with cell enlargement and occupy most of the cell volume. However, quantitative analyses of vacuolar contributions during changes in cell morphology have been hampered by the inadequacies and frequent artifacts associated with current three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction methods of images derived from light microscopy. To overcome the limitations of quantifying 3-D structures, we have introduced 3-D morphometrics into light microscopy, adopting a contour-based approach for which we have developed an interpolation method. Using this software, named REANT, the morphological and morphometrical changes in protoplasts and vacuoles during plasmolysis could be investigated. We employed the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) BY-2 cell line No.7, expressing a GFP-AtVam3p fusion protein, BY-GV7, using GFP as a marker of vacuolar membranes (VMs). By vital staining of the plasma membrane (PM) of cells, we simultaneously obtained optical sections of both the PM and VM. We, therefore, reconstructed the 3-D structures of protoplasts and vacuoles before and after plasmolysis. We were able to identify the appearance of elliptical structures of VMs in the vacuolar lumen, and to determine that they were derived from cytoplasmic strands. From the 3-D structures, the volumes and surface areas were measured at the single cell level. The shrinkage of vacuoles accounted for most of the decrease in protoplast volume, while the surface area of the vacuoles remained mostly unchanged. These morphometrical analyses suggest that the elliptical structures are reservoirs for excess VMs that result from the response to rapid decreases in vacuolar and protoplast volumes.