Recent technologies for robotics have been offered an effective and efficient solution to safeguard workers from risks in their work environments. These risks involve radioactive, toxic, explosive and mines. In this paper, design and implement computer robot based on metal detection as well as avoiding obstacles automatically. The proposed wireless controlled robotic vehicle can be used in metal detection applications such as landmine detection, obstacles avoidance, selecting best routing without imposing human's harms and workforce aspects. The robotic wheel can sense the obstacles that positioning at ahead of its path, and also avoids the obstacles forward, left and right of its routes. The robot is controlled by using Bluetooth wireless communication to interface between the controller and the implemented robot. Furthermore, sensor IR (FC-03) for the metal detector and used ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) for objects or obstacles sensing. The presented controlled robotic designed for desert and dry soil that can replace the human role in avoiding obstacles and metal detection capabilities. The produced robot was useful due to it can detect metals and avoiding obstacles consecutively besides it was effective to select the best route based on the intelligent technique that adopted, the predefined metals by using an intelligent decision maker for route finder in a flat surface environment.