Salmonella enterica is a common foodborne, facultative intracellular enteropathogen. Typhoidal S. enterica serovars like Paratyphi A (SPA) are human restricted and cause a severe systemic disease, while many S. enterica serovars like Typhimurium (STM) have broad host range, and in human hosts usually lead to self-limiting gastroenteritis. There are key differences between typhoidal and non-typhoidal Salmonella in pathogenesis, but underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. Several genes encoding Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI) effector proteins are absent or pseudogenes in SPA. Expression of virulence and metabolism genes show differential expression compared to STM. The intracellular transcriptomic architecture and phenotypes during presence in epithelial cells were recently described. Surprisingly, induction of motility, flagella and chemotaxis genes showed distinct expression patterns in intracellular SPA vs. STM and led to cytosolic motility of SPA. This study applies single cell microscopic analyses approaches to investigate the triggers and cellular consequences of cytosolic motility. Live cell imaging (LCI) revealed that SPA invades host cells in a highly cooperative manner. Extensive membrane ruffling at the invasion site leads to increased membrane damage in the nascent SCV with subsequent cytosolic release. After release into the cytosol, motile bacteria showed same velocity as under culture conditions used for infection. Reduced capture of SPA by autophagosomal membranes was observed by LCI and electron microscopy. Our results reveal flagella-mediated cytosolic motility as possible xenophagy evasion mechanism that could drive disease progression and contributes to dissemination of invasion-primed SPA during systemic infection.