We report on the time-dependent dewetting behavior of dilute surfactant solutions of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) during forced flow in fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) microtubes. The dynamic receding contact angle of the solution at a given velocity decreased as the solid liquid contact time increased. Kinetics with long relaxation time of several hundred seconds led to a final state displaying a 0°d ynamic receding contact angle. This effect was absent in the case of 2-propanol, where the dynamic receding contact angle did not depend on the contact time.In the last two decades, increased attention has been paid to the investigation of the dynamics of wetting and dewetting.
1Despite the significant effort, the precise mechanism by which a liquid front advances across a solid surface is not yet fully understood.2 Even the well-studied wetting of simple onecomponent liquids is still not satisfactorily explained. The wetting of complex fluids 3 (including surfactant solutions, colloidal dispersions, and polymer solutions) is much less explored and far more complex. 4,5 In many practical applications, such as coating, detergents, and those involving imbibition of liquids in porous materials, the spreading/wetting of aqueous liquids on hydrophobic solid surfaces needs to be controlled. One way to do this is to add surfactants to the liquid, and this alters the balance of forces acting on the three-phase contact line. However, the introduction of surfactants makes the wetting more complex, because timedependent processes such as diffusion and adsorption of the surfactants come into play.6 Surfactants adsorb onto the liquid vapor (LV) and solidliquid (SL) interface; adsorption onto the solidvapor (SV) interface is still under debate. 7,8 The dynamic wetting of surfactant solutions on hydrophobic solids has been mostly studied through drop-spreading 9,10 and spontaneous capillary-filling experiments. 11,12 In the latter category of experiments, penetration of surfactant solutions into hydrophobic capillaries showed different kinetic regimes. For concentrations, c, above the critical micellar concentration (CMC), two relatively fast kinetic regimes were found. The corresponding fast rise rates depended on the solution bulk concentration. Regimes with long relaxation time (with lower rise rates) were also identified, presumably caused by the relaxation of surface tension at the LV interface and adsorption equalization across the SL interface.12 Churaev and co-workers had also previously reported on high rise rate kinetic regimes in solutions with concentrations above CMC. In cases where c < CMC, the rise rate was much lower and was controlled by the meniscus concentration (reduced compared to the bulk). At even lower bulk concentrations and for thin capillaries, the rise rate was controlled by surface diffusion of surfactants in front of the meniscus. Forced rise was claimed to be ineffective at high Peclet (Pe) numbers.11 Pe = LU/D, where L is the characteristic length of the system, U is the velocity,...