Polyploidy is remarkably common in the plant kingdom and polyploidization is a major driving force for plant genome evolution. Polyploids may contain genomes from different parental species (allopolyploidy) or include multiple sets of the same genome (autopolyploidy). Genetic and epigenetic changes associated with allopolyploidization have been a major research subject in recent years. However, we know little about the genetic impact imposed by autopolyploidization. We developed a synthetic autopolyploid series in potato (Solanum phureja) that includes one monoploid (1x) clone, two diploid (2x) clones, and one tetraploid (4x) clone. Cell size and organ thickness were positively correlated with the ploidy level. However, the 2x plants were generally the most vigorous and the 1x plants exhibited less vigor compared to the 2x and 4x individuals. We analyzed the transcriptomic variation associated with this autopolyploid series using a potato cDNA microarray containing $9000 genes. Statistically significant expression changes were observed among the ploidies for $10% of the genes in both leaflet and root tip tissues. However, most changes were associated with the monoploid and were within the twofold level. Thus, alteration of ploidy caused subtle expression changes of a substantial percentage of genes in the potato genome. We demonstrated that there are few genes, if any, whose expression is linearly correlated with the ploidy and can be dramatically changed because of ploidy alteration. Polyploids originate from either sexual reproduction via 2n gametes or somatic chromosome doubling. By traditional definition, there are two forms of polyploidy: allopolyploidy and autopolyploidy. These terms are often used to imply the mode of polyploid formation, but more accurately describe the degree of similarity between the subgenomes in polyploids. Allopolyploids have distinct subgenomes and typically originate from interspecific hybridization between divergent progenitor species. Autopolyploids have (nearly) identical subgenomes and typically originate from intraspecific hybridization (or self-fertilization through 2n gametes) or somatic chromosome doubling. Allo-and autopolyploids have traditionally been distinguished by modes of chromosome pairing and inheritance, with allopolyploids exhibiting bivalent pairing and disomic inheritance and autopolyploids exhibiting multivalent pairing and polysomic inheritance.A number of well-known polyploid plants of agricultural interest are classical allopolyploids, which include important crops such as bread wheat (2n ¼ 6x ¼ 42) and cotton (2n ¼ 4x ¼ 56). Studies of genetic and epigenetic changes associated with polyploidization have been focused mostly on newly synthesized allopolyploid materials 1 Present address: