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Enseigner en ligne au moyen d'un wiki : enjeux éthiques et choix technopédagogiques
Mots-clésWiki, enseignement, apprentissage, éthique, communs
AbstractFor an online university course, I devised a Wikipedia-like wiki based upon the same principles, rules and values. For instance, users may edit almost any page, even the learning activities instructions. However, during the design phase and the ensuing test period involving a few students, I faced a paradox of ethical nature. On the one hand, I wanted to provide an open and transparent collaborative environment, where everybody abides by the same rules and all issues are discussed overtly. On the other hand, as part of my responsibilities as a professor, I must respect course objectives, enforce administrative rules, ensure the integrity of assessment, and maintain conditions which facilitate learning. This tension led to various compromises, notably on the transparency of student-teacher interactions. The question is still open: To what extent is it possible to apply the values and practices of the commons to a formal learning environment?