it has been feasible to isolate so far two Arabidopsis mutants affected in their hydrotropic response. 5,6 Analysis of these mutants reveals new insights of the mechanism of hydrotropism. For one hand, the no hydrotropic response (nhr1) mutant lacks a hydrotropic response, and shows a stronger gravitropic response than that of wt and a modified wavy growth response in a medium with an osmotic gradient. 5,7 On the other hand, the mizu-kussei1 (miz1) mutant did not exhibit hydrotropism and showed regular gravitropism. 6 Hence, the root hydrotropic response is both linked and unlinked from the gravitropic one. Nonetheless, miz1 roots also showed a reduced phototropism and a modified wavy growth response. This indicates that both MIZ1 and NHR1 are not exclusive components of the mechanism for hydrotropism and supports the notion that the root cap has assessment mechanisms that integrate many different environmental influences to produce a final integrated response. 8 Thus, the physiological phenomena distinctively displayed by roots in order to forage resources from the environment are the result of integrated responses that resulted from many environmental influences sensed in the root cap.In the course of studying how gravity and water availability affected the perception and assessment of each other in root cap cells that generated the final root tropic response, we found that ABA is a critical regulator of the signal transduction mechanism that integrated these two-root tropisms. 7 For this, we analyzed the long-term hydrotropic response of Arabidopsis roots in an osmotic gradient system. ABA, locally applied to seeds or root tips of nhr1, significantly increased root downward growth in a medium with an osmotic gradient (root length of nhr1 seedlings grown in this medium were on average 12.5 mm and plus 10 μM ABA were 25.1 mm). On the other hand, WT roots germinated and treated locally with ABA in this system were strongly gravitropic, albeit they had almost no starch in amyloplasts of root cap columella cells. Hydrotropically stimulated nhr1 roots, with or without ABA, maintained starch in amyloplastas, as opposed to those of WT. Therefore, the near-absence (WT) or abundant presence (nhr1) of starch granules does not affect the extent of downward gravitropism of roots in an osmotic gradient medium. Starch degradation in the wt might participate in osmoregulation by which root cells maintain turgor and consequently carry out hydrotropism, instead of reducing gravity responsiveness. In fact, it was just recently published that salt-induced rapid degradation of starch in amyloplasts is not likely the main reason for a negative gravitropic response seen under salt stress, because sos mutant roots of Arabidopsis showed negative gravitropic growth without any apparent rapid digestion of Hydrotropism, the differential growth of plant roots directed by a moisture gradient, is a long recognized, but not well-understood plant behavior. Hydrotropism has been characterized in the model plant Arabidopsis. Previously, it was...