Background: Natural landscape patches are in risk of deleterious effects due to population growth and rapid urbanization process. To minimize those environments degradation, legal instruments were instituted, such as protected areas, which are defined as spaces physically bounded that are mainly designated to conservation and preservation of their natural and cultural resources. This paper studies the Environmental Protection Area (Área de Proteção Ambiental, APA) of Iguaçu, located on the shore of THE namesake river in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Objective: Given this context, the research aims to assess landscape interferences in physic, biotic and anthropic aspects, both inside and in the surrounding of the searched region, by classifying them based on their coherence with guidelines present on plans, programs and projects directed to this conservation unit. Methods: Preliminarily, there was a bibliographic review so that it was possible to comprehend the concepts associated to the subject. Subsequently, studies were performed on the land uses regarding the years 2000 and 2017, by satellite images interpretation, as well as photographic registers and carrying out on surveys. After that, pertinent plans, programs and projects were analysed. Results: By the assessed data, it is possible to conclude that changes of uses inside the APA were less expressive when compared to the surroundings. It is also verified that irregular occupations were not appropriately controlled, as well as that there are other socioenvironmental inadequacies in the region. Nevertheless, the municipality has been creating several guidelines for these issues resolution, although disconnected to each other. Examples of such initiatives include the creation of parks and the land regularization. Conclusion: Consequently, it is concluded that the establishment of a protected natural area is not sufficient on its own for the adequate management of such spaces, being necessary implementation of specific management plan, integrated to intervention projects for the appropriated APA administration.