Exports are one of the main economic growth inducers and will certainly play an important role in the Brazilian economic recovery after overcoming the most critical period of the new coronavirus pandemic. The country faces not only the challenge of increasing its exports, but also of diversifying and making them less dependent on a limited set of commodities. The Brazilian industrial sector’s competitive difficulties and proposals to overcome them have been exhaustively discussed for several years. And the post-pandemic scenario tends to be even more challenging for the sector. This article provides an overview of the current situation and a brief diagnosis of some major policy issues associated with exports. It also contains suggestions and recommendations for sustaining exports during the crisis caused by covid-19 and stimulating their growth and diversification in the post-pandemic period. The topics discussed include: export credit and promotion, agricultural goods exports, technical standards, the multilateral framework of international trade regulation, and trade agreement negotiations. The proposals presented here have both a short-term focus, for the post-covid-19 recovery period, and a medium and long-term perspective, addressing more structural issues related to the country’s international insertion.