ResumoAvaliou-se o efeito da exploração de madeira, realizada em 1997, na estrutura e dinâmica de algumas espécies de Sapotaceae em uma Floresta Ombrófila Densa, no município de Moju, Pará (02º12'26" S e 48º48'14" W
AbstractEffect of reduced impact logging in some sapotaceae species in the eastern amazon. Effect of logging, held in 1997, on structure and dynamics of some Sapotaceae species were evaluated in a dense tropical rain forest located in the municipality of Moju, Pará (02º 12' 26" S e 48º 48' 14" W). Two hundred ha out of 1,050 ha forest area were selectively logged for timber (23 m 3 ha -1 logging intensity) in 1997.Twenty-two 0.5 ha permanent sample plots (11 ha sample) were established and all trees with dbh ≥ 10 cm were identified and measured for dbh in 1995 (before logging), 1998 and 2010 (after logging). Parameters evaluated were Density (De) and Basal area (G-m 2 ha -1). Sapotaceae presented a significant reduction of 7.7% on tree density (p=0.0147), and an dominance increase of 1.4% (p=0.7851). In the same period, decreases in density and basal area were observed to Pouteria laurifolia (Gomes) Radlk. Huberi did not recover its original density. On the other hand, three new species of the family were recorded in the focused period.