The premature newborn shows immaturities that can cause problems or implications throughout its growth or avoid some organ function or some corporal system. This immaturity often results in inefficient sucking and unsatisfactory oral reflexes, causing delay in the growth and in its developing. The mother who doesn't nurse commonly lives pain and suffering. A lot of studies have searched the complications found to the starting of natural nursing for premature children, but these studies don't search the maternal account about these difficulties found. This study aimed to studying the natural nursing process to the preterm infant pointing the maternal account. It sort about a full review in the Portuguese Language using information based in SCIELO, BIREME and LILACS from April to July in 2014 through the key-words 'difficulty, maternal nursing, premature. It has included some Health magazines and periodic, published in Portuguese between 2004 and 2014, which considerate the Nutrient account concerning the difficulties found. The difficulties found to the starting of the natural nursing to premature newborn babies, according the maternal view can be associated to the breast operation, to the Nurses particular questions and also associated to the new-born babies. We're not found any account describing the professionals who worked in this process, neither audiologists participation in the motor-oral development in these children. Can be observed in the literature few works and searches contemplating the maternal accounts about the difficulties found to nursing the premature baby. Thus, this work points the necessity of reflection about our professional practices, emphasizingthe listening practice and its users. Keywords: Breast Feeding; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Infant, Premature RESUMO O recém-nascido pré-termo apresenta imaturidades que podem acarretar intercorrências ou comprometimentos ao longo de seu desenvolvimento. Estas imaturidades frequentemente resultam em uma sucção ineficiente e reflexos orais insatisfatórios. A mãe que não amamenta comumente vive dor e sofrimento. Inúmeras pesquisas têm buscado apontar as dificuldades encontradas para início da amamentação natural de prematuros, porém esses estudos não buscam o relato materno acerca das dificuldades encontradas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo estudar o processo de amamentação natural em recém-nascido pré-termo ressaltando o discurso materno sobre o tema. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura na língua portuguesa, com dados coletados nas bases de dados SCIELO, BIREME e LILACS no período de abril a julho de 2014, por meio das palavras-chave dificuldade, aleitamento materno, amamentação, prematuro, pré-termo. Foram incluídos os periódicos de saúde publicados na língua portuguesa no período de 2004 a 2014, que consideram o relato da nutriz acerca das dificuldades encontradas. As dificuldades encontradas para início da amamentação natural em prematuros sob a ótica materna podem estar associadas à funcionalidade da mama,...