A new empirical model of field-aligned currents in the Earth's ionosphere has been developed. This model is derived using magnetometer data from the CHAallenging Minisatellite Payload, Ø rsted, and Swarm satellite missions, which has created a database that spans more than 15 years. These data have been associated with solar wind conditions using the Advanced Composition Explorer satellite, as well as the F 10.7 , S 10.7 , M 10.7 , and Y 10.7 solar indices. With the wealth of data and associated driving conditions, this model has been developed to reproduce field-aligned current maps of the ionosphere based on solar wind electric field, interplanetary magnetic field clock angle, dipole tilt angle, solar index, and geographic hemisphere. This model was constructed using a series of spherical cap harmonic analysis fits based on small selections of the overall database. The coefficients of these fits were then used to develop a model that would reproduce these coefficients based on the previously described driving conditions. One of the most notable improvements demonstrated by this model is the ability to show distinct current regions in the ionosphere, particularly with respect to Region 0 currents during northward B z and highly positive or negative B .
10.1029/2019JA027249Key Points: • A new field-aligned current model based on satellite magnetometer data from the CHAMP, Ørsted, and Swarm missions has been developed • Driving response has been updated from previous models and reflects recent findings by Edwards et al. (2017) and Weimer et al. (2017) • Comparisons to AMPERE and AMPStotal current for a selection of events has been made, and this model has shown comparable results ). The average strength of these currents has been shown to be dependent on both IMF clock angle and magnitude (Anderson et al., 2008;Carter et al., 2016;Ganushkina et al., 2015;Weimer, 2001). It is not certain, however, how these currents scale with increasingly strong driving conditions. While it was thought that the FACs had a nonlinear response to increasing driving conditions, recent work by Weimer et al. (2017) using the same data set as this work has suggested that the response is much more linear than expected. The FAC response to solar indices, such as the F 10.7 solar index, has been shown to be nonlinear and levels off for high solar index conditions Ohtani et al., 2014). These recent publications have informed the construction of this model, including the selection of fitting functions.