A new method, which has been developed to isolate energy-correlated cascades from a background of uncorrelated events in the y-ray continuum, has been applied to the le O + 64 Ni reaction at £( 16 0) «80 MeV. In 74 Se, the dominant reaction product, it gives 28/% 2 ^53 ±5 and 65 ±6 MeV' 1 , respectively, for the rotationallike cascades below and above a phase transition observed at 7^22 units. These data also indicate that only a small portion of the decay proceeds through rotationallike cascades.Most nuclear-structure information for very high-spin states is obtained from the study of the y-ray multiplicity, 1 angular correlations, 2 electron conversions, 3 and Doppler shifts 4 in the y-ray continuum spectra. Such data have given information about moments of inertia, transition multipolarities, and level lifetimes as functions of spin for a variety of nuclei. From such studies phase changes have been observed between different nuclear shapes. In general, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that the highspin states decay predominantly by collective rotational cascades of stretched quadrupole transitions through bands which are essentially parallel to a rigid-rotor yrast line. An exponentially decreasing tail in these spectra, corresponding to 2-4 transitions per cascade, is found to be statistical in nature. Also, for more nearly spherical nuclei a low-energy bump of mostly stretched dipole transitions is found 2 to be uncorrelated with respect to multiplicity and transition energy.The present Letter reports a new method developed to isolate correlated rotational cascades from the background of uncorrelated events. This approach, which has been applied to the reaction 64 Ni + 16 O-80 Kr*, for the first time allows a study of the detailed energy correlations in the continuum spectrum. A target of 600-M^/cm 2 64 Ni was bombarded with 80-MeV le O ions from the Niels Bohr Institute's model FN tandem accelerator. The most probable (~75%) exit channel for this reaction is (a2n) 0 The maximum angular momentum, Z max , of the resulting 74 Se system has been determined to be ^ 30 units, from y-multiplicity studies. 5 The ground-state band of this nucleus has been studied previously 5 and shows a transition at spin lQfc from a vibrationallike to a rotationallike structure. The coexistence of these configurations has been discussed recently. 6 The experimental setup consisted of four 12.7-cm-diamxl5.2-cm Nal(Tl) transition-energy detectors each with a lead shield and a collimator of 7.3 cm diam to ensure the best possible photopeak-to-total ratio (46% for 60 Co) for the detection of the transition-energy spectrum. A resolution of 7.0-8.5% was obtained,, Three of the detectors were placed in the horizontal plane at 90° and ± 150° with respect to the beam direction and the fourth was at 90° below the plane. In addition an in-plane multiplicity filter of two 7-cmdiamx 7-cm Nal(Tl) counters placed at ± 40° and a 5-cm-diamxl5-cm Nal(Tl) counter placed at 0° was used. The multiplicity counters were located as close to t...