Riparian ecosystems are the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Despite its relevance, the riparian vegetation of these ecological systems is threatened, since it is being displaced by agricultural, industrial and human settlement activities. The objective of this work was to compare the avifauna between sites that belong to different environments (riparian vegetation, scrub, grazing areas and crops) of the upper part of the Lerma River. The demonstration was carried out from April to November 2020, through counting points established in the four main types of environments adjacent to the Lerma River in the municipality of Temascalcingo, State of Mexico. 11 bird orders, 33 families and 94 species were recorded: 62 residents and 32 migrants. Species accumulation curves were generated. The richness, diversity and similarity of the avifaunas of the four environments were estimated. The riparian vegetation was the environment that presented the greatest richness and diversity of birds (45 species). The abundance of bird species was higher in grazing areas. According to the Jaccard index, the greatest similarity was between the same sites of riparian vegetation and crops. Group species were grouped into nine guilds; the most abundant in all types of environments were the granivores. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the abundances of guilds. The bird species were related to the herbaceous stratum and the abundance of the plants. The modified environments adjacent to the Lerma River wetland serve differentially as an alternate refuge for bird species.