Immunosuppression refers to a condition in which the body’s immune system becomes weakened or suppressed, making them more susceptible to infections, diseases and other health problems. Immunosuppression in poultry can be caused by a variety of factors, including infectious activity (viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi), environmental stress, malnutrition, and poor management. Viruses have the most dominant immunosuppressive effect on the poultry population, especially infectious bursitis virus, infectious anemia virus and Marek’s disease virus. Immunosuppression in poultry can have significant consequences on their health, welfare, and overall productivity. The biggest losses in poultry production are reflected in reduced growth and performance of individuals, reduced egg production and shell quality, increased morbidity and mortality rates, and greater susceptibility of immunocompromised individuals to secondary infections. Effective management strategies are key to minimizing the impact of immunosuppression in poultry. Biosecurity measures, strict hygiene protocols, immunoprophylaxis, control, and reduced transport of poultry and people, adequate diet, and correct husbandry and housing conditions are some of the factors that result in prevention and/or solvation of this problem.