I've been fortunate to have received advice and assistance from many people for this study. I'm particularly grateful for the excellent supervision of Don White and Claire Samson who provided a challenging project opportunity and ensured its success. My thanks to Barbara Dietiker for her advice and assistance with software and for always answering unexpected drop in questions. Thanks also to Steve Hall, for his assistance with AVOA analysis and recommendations for methodology. This study benefits greatly from his expertise and input. I enjoyed my stay in Bristol and am grateful to Mike Kendall and James Wookey for providing modeling software and their insight. Modeling would not have been possible without their contribution. Thanks also to James Verdon for his help with CO2 properties for modeling. I've spent much of this project taxing the resources of the GSC which made the seismic processing and inversion portion of this study possible. I'd like to thank Gilles Bellefleu for answering many questions and for his advice on true amplitude processing. My thanks to Jun-Wei Huang for his input on uncertainty analysis. Thanks to Brian Roberts for his help with ProMAX and for dropping Don off the license server for me. I'd like to thank Cenovus for providing the Weyburn field data and David Cooper for his insight and processing recommendations. Thanks to the PTRC for providing funding and the opportunity to present at the PRISM CCS meetings. I'd also like to thank the Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Natural Resources Canada, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) and Canadian Exploration Geophysics Society for their support (KEGS).