Abstract:There are certain situations in noisy nonlinear dynamical systems, for which it is required a fast transition between a chaotic and a periodic state.Here, we present a novel procedure to achieve this goal in the context of the partial control method of chaotic systems. The partial control method is a recently developed control procedure, that allows to keep the dynamics of a system showing transient chaos, close to its chaotic saddle. In this kind of systems, and in absence of an external control, trajectories remain chaotic for a while in a certain region of phase space before eventually escaping towards an external attractor. The aim of the control algorithm proposed here, is to maintain the chaotic orbits as much time as we want close to the chaotic saddle before forcing an immediate escape. To do that, we use the safe sets defined in the partial control method in a completely different way. By only using this set, we show how possible is to handle the stabilisation and destabilisation of the chaotic dynamics of the partially controlled system.