The immune structure protects the human body against ailment or other possibly hurting remote bodies. If an immune system works abnormally, the immune system responds against its healthy cells and tissues. Any malady which comes from such an immune response is termed as an autoimmune disease. Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP) is one of them. HSP, otherwise called Anaphylactoid purpura and IgA Vasculitis is a standout amongst the most widely recognized orderly vasculitis in adolescence and primarily happens in 3-5 individuals out of 1 lakh. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, and some have comparable indications. This makes it hard for your doctor to know whether you truly have one of these infections and may misdiagnose due to their subjective expertise. Misdiagnosis or late detection of HSP can have serious impacts that may lead to either death or lifetime abnormality. We propose a technology-assisted system for such uncommon sickness that can overcome the problem of subjective expertise for an early conclusion and prove a boon to reward a lifeline to victims of HSP autoimmune disease.