Woody biomass waste (Pinus radiata) coming from forestry activities has been pyrolyzed with the aim of obtaining charcoal and, at the same time, a hydrogen-rich gas fraction. The pyrolysis has been carried out in a laboratory scale continuous screw reactor, where carbonization takes place, connected to a vapor treatment reactor, at which the carbonization vapors are thermo-catalytically treated. Different peak temperatures have been studied in the carbonization process (500-900 • C), while the presence of different Ni-containing catalysts in the vapor treatment has been analyzed. Low temperature pyrolysis produces high liquid and solid yields, however, increasing the temperature progressively up to 900 • C drastically increases gas yield. The amount of nickel affects the vapors treatment phase, enhancing even further the production of interesting products such as hydrogen and reducing the generated liquids to very low yields. The gases obtained at very high temperatures (700-900 • C) in the presence of Ni-containing catalysts are rich in H 2 and CO, which makes them valuable for energy production, as hydrogen source, producer gas or reducing agent.in countries which combine a reliable biomass supply and a steelmaking industrial fabric, such as Brazil [22].Aiming to make the process of obtaining charcoal from biomass more sustainable and profitable, an essential aspect to investigate is the use of the derivate co-products, gas and liquids [23][24][25]. If charcoal production is carried out at very high temperatures (700-1000 • C) and slow heating rates (carbonization), the process yields more gas than liquid fraction, and the properties of the gas are more promising than those of the liquid fraction, which is mainly composed of tars and water [26]. Therefore, the objective of optimization of charcoal production must focus on maximizing the production of gas together with the reduction of the generated tars and water, in order to obtain a large quantity of clean gas with high added value, as it happens in gasification.Many studies [27][28][29] indicate that achieving complete removal of the tars only by heat treatment is very difficult; however, elimination of tars in biomass gasification processes through the use of catalysts at high temperatures is a widespread accepted technique. Therefore, the alternative that is intended to investigate in this paper is the combination of thermal and catalytic treatment, called catalytic cracking. As thermal cracking, catalytic cracking requires high temperatures; however, catalytic cracking is performed by an ionic mechanism (heterolytic breakdown), which allows to work at a lower temperature than conventional thermal cracking would require.Nickel-based catalysts are the most frequently used catalysts in the majority of the applications concerning biomass thermo-chemical processing [17,[30][31][32]. There are many bibliographic references which demonstrate that Ni-catalysts promote tar cracking [33][34][35][36], improve the hydrogen gas yield [17,37] and present deoxygenation ...