SummaryExteroceptive feedback was given for negative and positive shifts in slow potentials (SPs) recorded from Fz, Cz, or pz (between groups design). Slow potentiaIs at the feedback site were referred to adjacent scalp and non-cephalic electrodes, so as to confine SP shifts to the feedback location. Area-specific regulation of SPs was obtained at each midsagittal site after 3 days of feedback training. Subjects reported sensorimotor and emotional arousal when negative SP shifts were trained frontally, but not when negative shifts were' trained parietally (cognitive/attentional strategies reported after parietal feedback), Area-speCific regulation of SPs was subsequently abolished when behavioral tasks were added to further probe frontal/parietal differences (dual-task procedure). These findings indicate that area-specific self-regulation of SPs is possible on the sagittal midline, and that self-regulated parietal SPs (in contrast to frontal ones) arise from non-motoric generators. The source of SP self-regulation was more readily probed by verbal reports of feedback strategy than by study of dual-task relations, because feedback control was disrupted by the dual-task requirement.Key words: Slow cortical potentials; Feedback learning; Stimulus preceding negativities; Threshold regulation of EEG Previous research has shown that human subjects can be trained to modify surface-recorded slow cortical potentials (SPs) on command, when exteroceptive feedback is provided for these potentials , Self-control has been extensively documented for the case in which feedback is given for negative and positive SPs recorded at the vertex ) and more recently for the case in which feedback is made conditional on the differential polarization of the hemispheres between left-central (C3) and rightcentral (C4) recording electrodes (Birbaumer et al. 1988;, Feedback regulation of SPs is of interest, because study of the behavioral effects of such regulation provides information about the composition and role of SPs in behavior generally .SPs that are self-regulated at frontal and central locations appear to reflect the known sensorimotor functions of cortical tissues proximal to these recording sites. Sensorimotor tasks such as reaction time, haptic discrimination, and self-initiated button pressing are facilitated when negative SPs are induced by feedback at the vertex (Cz), compared SP positivity induced at this site (see Rockstroh et al. 1989, for a review). Human subjects report having used muscle tension and/or movement preparation when v:ertex negativity is called for, but not when vertex positivity is trained ). Modulation of contralateral hand preference by SP negativity has also been demonstrated when feedback is given for the SP difference between left and right central electrodes ). These effects of feedback-induced SP modulation on sensorimotor functions are consistent with slow wave phenomena that occur when motor behavior is induced by explicit experimental manipulation. For example, slow negativities are known to accom...