To study the three-dimensional (3-D) behavior produced by complex filters, we have extended the expressions for the axial and the transverse gain to the case in which the best image plane is not near the paraxial focus. Super-Gaussian phase filters are proposed to control the 3-D image response of an optical system. Super-Gaussian phase filters depend on several parameters that modify the shape of the phase filter, producing tunable control of the 3-D response of the optical system. The filters are capable of producing a wide range of optical effects: transverse superresolution with high depth of focus, 3-D superresolution, and transverse apodization with different axial responses. © 2004 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 110.0110, 220.0220, 350.5730, 220.1230. The three-dimensional (3-D) response of an optical system must be very different depending on its application. A common goal in many optical systems, for instance, in optical storage, 1 is to improve transverse resolution. Nevertheless, in most cases, a specific axial behavior is needed. For instance, in photolithography a high depth of focus (DOF) is also required. To achieve transverse superresolution, both in photolithography and in optical storage, very short wavelengths and high numerical apertures (NAs) are used. This has two effects: on one side the optical system must be well corrected (which is diff icult), and on the other high NA reduces the DOF (DOF is related to l͞NA 2 ). For this reason different superresolution techniques 2,3 have been proposed as ways to relax the optical system requirements or simply to improve the resolution of an optical system by providing enough DOF. In other systems, such as scanning microscopy, transverse and axial superresolution is desirable to obtain 3-D images. 4,5 There are different methods that have been used to modify the impulse response of an optical system. Annular transmission pupils have been widely used to improve transverse and (or) axial resolution. 4 -6 Continuously varying amplitude f ilters have also been investigated to produce transverse superresolution and (or) high DOF. 3,6,7 However, in recent years, phase-only filters have been studied to check whether they can improve the performance of amplitude-only f ilters.
1In one approach, binary phase filters are used 1 to obtain elements that are easy to produce. In other works continuous phase filters have been investigated, 8,9 but in some cases although transverse superresolution is obtained it is produced by very complex phase masks.
9In a recent study 8 a simple continuous phase filter was used to obtain transverse superresolution.In this Letter we propose super-Gaussian phase filters that have a shape that depends on four parameters. These parameters give us enough degrees of freedom to modify the whole 3-D image response in a controlled way. The f ilters are capable of producing a wide range of optical effects: they can produce transverse superresolution that increases the DOF, 3-D superresolution, and even transverse apodization ...