A 9 years and 5 months old, neutered male, Rottweiler was presented for referral at the Small Animal Teaching Hospital, University of Liverpool, for investigations following a fracture of the left femur, which had occurred after minor trauma. Radiographs at the primary veterinary practice revealed a closed, slightly displaced, comminuted, proximal diaphyseal fracture, which had cortical thinning around the fracture site, suggestive of a pathological fracture. Advanced imaging (computed tomography) revealed polyostotic osteolytic lesions which contained contrast enhancing, soft tissue attenuating tissue, associated with cortical destruction throughout the appendicular and axial skeleton. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirates of four lesions (right scapular, right femoral, left pelvic and vertebral lesions) were assessed by a boarded clinical pathologist, confirmed diagnosis of a polyostotic osteosarcoma. The patient was euthanased and postmortem examination confirmed the diagnosis.