We study equilibria of the Smoluchowski equation for rigid, dipolar rod ensembles where the intermolecular potential couples the dipole-dipole interaction and the Maier-Saupe interaction. We thereby extend previous analytical results for the decoupled case of the dipolar potential only ( press), and prove certain numerical observations for equilibria of coupled potentials (Ji et al Phys. Fluids at press). We first derive stability conditions, on the magnitude of the polarity vector (the first moment of the orientational probability distribution function) and on the direction of the polarity. We then prove that all stable equilibria of rigid, dipolar rod dispersions are either isotropic or prolate uniaxial. In particular, all stable anisotropic equilibrium distributions admit the following remarkable symmetry: the peak axis of orientation is aligned with both the polarity vector (first moment) and the distinguished director of the uniaxial second moment tensor. The stability is essential in establishing the axisymmetry. To demonstrate that the