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ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)The results of a recently completed experimental and analytical study showed that the capillary limit of a helically-grooved heat pipe (HGHP) was increased significantly when the transverse body force field was increased. This was due to the geometry of the helical groove wick structure. The objective of the present research was to experimentally determine the performance of revolving helically-grooved heat pipes when the working fluid inventory was varied. This report describes the measurement of the geometry of the heat pipe wick structure and the construction and testing of a heat pipe filling station. In addition, an extensive analysis of : the uncertainty involved in the filling procedure and working fluid inventory has been outlined. Experimental : measurements include the maximum heat transport, thermal resistance and evaporative heat transfer coefficient -* of the revolving helically-grooved heat pipe for radial accelerations of | a, | = 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0-g and working fluid fills of G = 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5. An existing capillary limit model was updated and comparisons were made to the present experimental data.