Shoot branching is a key determinant of overall plant architecture. The number, size and positioning of branches determine the distribution of leaf area over the plant and therefore the ability of the plant to absorb radiation for photosynthesis and subsequent biomass production. Moreover, in dense vegetation where plants grow close to their neighbors, regulation of branching will drive their ability to compete for light. Individuals that are capable of growing branches when and where light is available and suppressing branch growth in favor of investment in the extension of shoots that have already been formed have a competitive advantage over individuals that are less capable of doing so. Therefore, plants have evolved ways to accurately read their environment for potential competitors, and sophisticated mechanisms to process this information and respond with an optimal pattern of shoot branching. This makes shoot branching a highly plastic plant trait, which may result in individuals having no branches in environments of severe competition, whereas the same individual may have produced an extensively branching, bushy phenotype when grown solitarily. Along with increased shoot and petiole elongation, erect leaves and an earlier transition to flowering, decreased shoot branching is a key component of the shade avoidance syndrome (SAS) (Smith & Whitelam, 1997), which allows plants to avoid being shaded by neighbors.Vegetation density is thus an important modulator of the shoot branching pattern of plants.