Shoulder function complications are common after treatment for breast cancer. Quite a few survivors still report a limited shoulder range of motion, even though the free range-of-motion upper limb exercise is helpful to restore shoulder function. Mirror therapy (MT) is a classical and effective rehabilitation technique to recover motor and sensory function for the limbs; in addition, studies have reported that MT has an influence on patients with shoulder functional dysfunction including increasing shoulder range of motion, improving shoulder function scores, and decreasing pain scores. Here, we describe a protocol of a randomized controlled trial to explore if free range-of-motion upper limb exercise based on MT has efficacy on shoulder function in survivors after surgery of breast cancer.
This is a prospective, single-blind, two-arm randomized controlled trial. An estimated 70 participants will be randomly allocated to (1) the MT group or (2) the control group. The participants in the control group receive free range-of-motion upper limb exercise, and participants in the MT group will engage in free range-of-motion upper limb exercise based on MT. The intervention will start on the first day after surgery and be completed at 8 weeks after surgery. The primary outcome in this protocol is shoulder range of motion (ROM), while the Constant-Murley Score (CMS); Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand Questionnaire (DASH); Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (13-item TSK); visual analog scale (VAS); grip strength; arm circumference; and lymphedema are the secondary outcomes. Assessment will be conducted before allocation (baseline) and at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks after surgery.
Based on the results that MT has an influence on shoulder function immediately after intervention in patients without nerve injury, this randomized controlled trial is to observe the efficacy of MT on shoulder function after a long-term intervention in breast cancer survivors. We look forward to the innovation of this study for both breast cancer rehabilitation and MT.
Trial registration
Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR) ChiCTR2000033080. Registered on 19 May 2020