Abstract. It is proved that the theory of the class of all betweenness spaces metrizable by real-valued metrics does not coincide with the theory of the class of all betweenness spaces metrizable by metrics taking values in any ordered field. This solves a problem raised by Mendris and Zlatoš.Let d be a metric on a nonempty set A taking values in an ordered field F . The ternary betweenness relation T d on A is defined byA first-order structure (A, T ) with a single ternary relation T is called a metrizable betweenness space if T = T d for some metric d on A; it is called an R-metrizable betweenness space if T = T d for some real-valued d.As proved by R. Mendris and P. Zlatoš in [1], the class M of all metrizable betweenness spaces, i.e., the class of all first-order structures of the form (A, T d ), where d is a metric on A, is a universal elementary one. On the other hand, being not closed under elementary extensions, the class M 0 of all R-metrizable betweenness spaces is not elementary. However, the question of whether M is the least elementary class containing M 0 or, equivalently, the question of whether Th M 0 = Th M remained open. In this short note we will answer that question negatively.