Ion channeling is used to investigate the electronic density corrugation at surfaces by analysing the electronic stopping behaviour of ions scattering grazingly off a clean single crystalline Pt(110).1 × 2/ surface. We use the fact that under these conditions the elastic contribution can be separated from the inelastic energy-loss processes, which are closely related to the electronic density sampled along the projectiles trajectories. Therefore, we have a direct probe of the surface electronic density structure. Here, experiments and their theoretical interpretation for N + ions at primary ion energies of 1-10 keV are presented. Multi-peak features of the energy spectra, depending on the azimuthal surface orientation, are attributed to different particle trajectories. A detailed analysis of trajectory calculations affords an unambiguous assignment of the observed peak structures to three trajectory classes, each sampling specific energy losses. The comparison of the experimental energy-loss values with results obtained from a surfaceadapted energy-loss model for ion scattering that includes the electron density allows us to investigate the electronic surface of the sample. The results are compared with calculated surface electron density contours. Reasonable agreement is obtained, showing that the presented method is suitable to characterize the electronic density structure at crystalline surfaces.