In the field of psychosomatic medicine the relationship between personality characteristics and diseases is supposed to be an important issue.
The aim of this article is to present group’s MMPI profiles obtained for patients with different chronic diseases and to discuss about possible specific features of these different groups.
We summarized results obtained by psychological testing of following groups of patients: adult patients treated with chronic maintenance dialysis, patients with diabetic retinopathy, general anxiety group, attack panic syndrome, parents of children with rheumatoid arthritis, as well as adolescents with mental anorexia, cystic fibrosis, diabetes mellitus and leukemia. Two control groups comprised adults and adolescents, both without any health problems, selected randomly. As a psychometric test MMPI-201 was used. Statistic 10 package is used for statistical analysis.
In our presentation it can be seen some typical personality characteristics for patients with chronic conditions. These findings could be helpful for clinicians concerning treatment planning and followup. In general, the MMPI helps us to obtain a global, factual picture from the self-assessment of the patient, explained in a psycho-technical language. Group’s profile could be used in clinical practice for planning treatment and to suppose the prognosis of the illness.