From mass textures point of view, we present a comparative study of the S3 flavor symmetry in the left-right symmetry model (LRSM) and the baryon minus lepton model (BLM) taking into account their predictions on the CKM mixing matrix. To do this, we recover the already studied quark mass matrix, that comes from some published papers, and under certain strong assumption, one can show that there are predictive scenarios in the LRSM and BLM where the modified Fritzsch and nearest neighbor interaction (NNI) textures drive respectively the quark mixings. As main result, the CKM mixing matrix is in good agreement with the last experimental data in the flavored BLM model.
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I. INTRODUCTIONUnderstanding the peculiar patterns in the CKM [1, 2] and PMNS [3,4] mixing matrices is still a challenge in the Standard Model (SM) and beyond it. As it is well known, in the quark sector, the CKM matrix is almost the identity one which differs completely to the PMNS matrix where large values, in its entries, can be found.The mass textures, in the fermion mass matrices, have been useful to try of explaining phenomenological the contrasting mixing matrices. In this line of though, the pronounced hierarchy among the quark masses, m t m c m u and m b m s m d , could be behind the small mixing angles, that parametrize the CKM, which depend strongly on the mass ratios [5][6][7]. This notable hierarchy may naturally come from the hierarchical mass matrices, as for example, the Fritzsch [5, 8-12] and nearest neighbor interaction (NNI) [13-16] mass textures. Although the former textures give us the extended Gatto-Sartori-Tonin relations [5, 8-10, 12, 17-19], this framework presents some problems with the top mass and the V cb element of the CKM matrix, as can be seen in [20,21]. However, the NNI textures are capable of fitting with great accuracy the CKM mixing matrix. On the other hand, the lepton mixings may be reproduced quite well by the hierarchical mass matrices if the normal ordering were obeyed by the the neutrino masses, but, the inverted mass spectrum is not ruled out by the experiments so far. In short, this sector has to be * Electronic address: † Electronic address: