New Internet technologies allow building relationships via social networks and lessening social exclusion. While researching the needs of the residents of the building of the Day Care Home for Elderly and Sick People in Tarnowskie Góry, the author analyzed the possibilities of using information and communication technologies (ICT) to expand the institution’s offer and increase the number of residents. The essence of the study was to determine the social needs of seniors and to check what forms of Internet activities are possible. The interaction with the Day Care Home participants via the Internet requires appropriate space organization. Therefore, it was important to check whether seniors are ready for new forms of social interactions and if they are willing to acquire new knowledge and to further expand their skills. The subject discussed in the article was part of a broader study on the analysis of the needs of seniors to reorganize the space in the building and its surroundings. The research tools used have shown how important it is for seniors to establish analog contacts and build friendships during joint meetings and games. Research shows the degree of use of basic digital tools and the limitations of learning new digital tools. At the same time, the dynamics of changes within this age group is visible. There is also a noticeable need for a flexible approach to urban and architectural solutions, allowing for changes in the near future without large investment expenditures. The results of this research were confronted with the results of the study on the use of technology during COVID-19.