Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, renowned as the chief architect of the Indian Constitution and a tireless advocate for social justice, has left an enduring impact on India’s socio-political landscape. This research essay delves into the multifaceted spirit of Ambedkar, emphasizing his profound engagement with Buddhism and the emergence of Neo-Buddhism as a potent catalyst for social transformation. His conversion to Buddhism symbolized a resolute renunciation of the entrenched caste hierarchy, heralding an embrace of the Buddha’s teachings that exalted the fundamental interconnectedness of all sentient beings. This underlines his steadfast belief in Buddhism as an antidote to the deeply ingrained caste system, marking his unwavering dedication to bestow a renewed spiritual identity upon the marginalized. Ambedkar’s profound reinterpretation of Buddhist philosophy, with a focus on its social dimensions and ethical code, exemplifies his spirit of adapting Buddhism to the contemporary struggles of the oppressed.