This study investigated the prevalence of haemoparasites and polyparasitism of intestinal helminths amongst cattle slaughtered in two major abattoirs of Abeokuta metropolis and their implications for One Health. Blood and faecal samples were collected from 256 cattle of less than 2 and greater than 2 years of age. Blood samples were screened for PCV using haematocrit centrifuge technique and parasites were detected by microscopy using wet mount, buffy coat and stained thin smear. Helminth eggs and oocysts were detected using centrifugal sedimentation and centrifugal faecal flotation method. Results showed prevalence for Trypanosoma spp., Babesia spp., Anaplasma spp. and Theileria spp. to be 8.3%, 27.34%, 20.7% and 0.39% respectively. For intestinal parasites, prevalence for Strongyle eggs was found to be 73.82%, Neoascaris vitulorum 0.8%, Fasciola spp. 10.15%, Moniezia spp. 4.3%, Eimeria oocyst 35.94% and Cryptosporidium oocyst was 1.17%. Total prevalence for coinfection of haemoparasite and intestinal helminths was 42.6%. Breed-specific prevalence for co-infection of haemoparasites and intestinal parasites showed 55.96%, 37.6% and 6.4% for White Fulani, Red Bororo and Sokoto Gudali respectively, which was statistically insignificant (P > 0.05). With respect to sex, females had higher prevalence 92 (84.4%) of coinfection of haemoparasites and intestinal helminths than males 17 (15.6%), which was statistically significant (P < 0.05). This study revealed a high prevalence of haemoparasites and intestinal parasites in cattle slaughtered in Abeokuta, Nigeria. The presence of Fasciola at the Lafenwa abattoir which is the major market for beef sourcing in Abeokuta shows that the public is at risk of potential outbreak of fascioliasis. With a clear understanding of the epidemiology of fascioliasis, this study therefore recommends strict compliance of meat inspection at abattoirs and the need for immediate operationalization and implementation of a sustainable Preventive One Health intervention in order to mitigate against potential outbreak in Abeokuta.