Baccharis oxide, C30H500, crystallizes in space group P212~21, with a=7.413 (1), b= 11-866 (2), c= 29.067 (10) A, Z= 4. The structure was solved by direct methods. Two different procedures for developing phases by the tangent formula have been used and the results are discussed. Least-squares refinement converged at an R of 0.043 based on 1971 Fob~ (Rw=0"044). An oxide bridge between C(3) and C(10) in the six-membered ring A makes this structure a novel one among the triterpenes. Repulsion between 1,3-diaxial substituents enhances the steric strain in the fused-ring system. The 1,3 contacts are responsible for a pronounced flattening and twisting of the trans-fused rings C and D. The molecular structure is largely determined by intramolecular factors. Efficient stacking of molecules in the crystal is acco.-nplished by van der Waals interactions.