Prospects of photovoltaic solar energy have improved in the recent years, due to the aim of global actors to increase the ratio of green energy produced. In the market of photovoltaics, thin-film solar cells based on Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 material, (the cells under study in this thesis do not include Sulphur, and the material is known in short as CIGS) are a well-established technology that conjugates the advantages of thin-film devices with abundant and non-toxic materials, in contrast with other thin-film technologies based on toxic cadmium and the somewhat scarce tellurium. Another promising characteristic of this technology is found in the recent achievements in efficiency that put CIGS devices on par with multi-crystalline silicon solar cells. However, this technology presents some issues regarding its performance that may disadvantage it with respect to the other well-stablished technologies. Although the efficiency of the best laboratory scale solar cell based on CIGS is now close to that of multi-crystalline Si, there is still room for improvement of absorber and interface properties; the efficiency of commercial modules is also still behind that of the best lab-scale device due to performance losses introduced by the interconnection between cells. Moreover, this material also suffers from a somewhat poorer stability against certain operation conditions that are typically found in PV installations such as light-soaking or reversebiasing of cells due to shading for instance. The most devastating condition is known as potential induced degradation, which affects the performance dramatically and might result in warranty breaching for the manufacturer, reducing the economic attractiveness of this technology.The poorer performance and stability of CIGS technology can only be addressed with a good understanding of the electronic properties of the devices. The aim of this work is to provide knowledge on certain issues that affect the performance and stability of CIGS solar cells. The first issue is the impact of the interconnection between cells on the performance of the device. The scribing process that divides the module in cells results in three trenches (named as P1, P2 and P3) with different purposes. The first trench (P1) separates the back-contact of two adjacent cells, the second trench (P2) connects the front contact of a cell with the back-contact of the next adjacent cell and the third trench (P3) separates the front contact of two adjacent cells. Nonetheless, the P1 trench is typically filled with absorber material (CIGS), which does not provide a perfect isolation and may result in a significant shunt. The impact of the P1 shunt is studied in this thesis with 2D simulations and the characterization of devices (I-V, imaging techniques and C-V) with interconnection, considering the properties of the absorber, and an equivalent circuit model, based on a Junction Field-Effect Transistor is proposed to represent the behavior of the P1 shunt. Metastable changes in the absorber (that are typical of CIGS devices...