The Cunningham Dax Collection is one of the largest collections of art by people with an experience of mental illness and psychological trauma in the world. Unlike most other collections, which focus on artworks by people with psychosis, mania and depression, the Cunningham Dax Collection covers a broad range of experiences, including anxiety disorders, dementia, autism and psychological trauma, as well as works by children made during their treatment for emotional problems. While most other collections emphasize the artistic qualities of the works, the Cunningham Dax Collection emphasizes both their artistic and psychological dimensions. Its educational program is recognized for its approach against stigma, by simultaneously promoting mental health literacy and highlighting the creativity of people with mental illness through art. It also distinguishes itself from others by its assertive touring program to rural and regional centres, and internationally. This program aims to build capacity for mental health promotion and suicide prevention by encouraging local communities to come together and use the visiting exhibitions to launch local mental health awareness activities.