From a physical therapist's perspective, one of the best ways to prevent back pain is to try to identify variables determined to be predisposing factors and to control certain somatic-related factors in junior players. To take steps in this direction, in close correlation with theoretical arguments, we proposed as prevention tools some specific outcome measurement strategies to control and verify over time certain factors that predispose to back pain episodes, such as low levels of the trunk muscular endurance and coordination or lateral muscular asymmetries. The existence of muscle asymmetries was identified by bioimpedance performed with the Tanita MC 780 MA analyzer and trunk muscle endurance and coordination levels were checked with the McGill trunk muscle endurance test battery. Junior players showed poor trunk muscle strength and an imbalance between the three main muscle groups and some lateral muscle mass asymmetries between dominant and non-dominant body parts. Approaching and presenting this strategic vision for the prevention of back pain in handball players can provide professionals in the field with information to guide, evaluate, verify and implement a future individualized prevention program.