Inflationary models predicting a scale-dependent large amplification of the density
perturbations have recently attracted a lot of attention because the amplified perturbations can
seed a sizable amount of primordial black holes (PBHs) and stochastic background of gravitational
waves (GWs). While the power spectra in these models are computed based on the linear equation of
motion, it is not obvious whether loop corrections are negligible when such a large amplification
occurs during inflation. In this paper, as a first step to discuss the loop corrections in such
models, we use the in-in formalism and calculate the one-loop scalar power spectrum numerically
and analytically in an illustrative model where the density perturbations are resonantly amplified
due to oscillatory features in the inflaton potential. Our calculation is technically new in that
the amplified perturbations are numerically taken into account in the in-in formalism for the
first time. In arriving at our analytical estimates, we highlight the role that the Wronskian
condition of perturbations, automatically satisfied in our model, plays in obtaining the correct
estimates. In addition, the analytical estimates show that the contribution originating from the
quantum nature of the perturbations in the loop can be dominant. We also discuss the necessary
conditions for subdominant loop corrections in this model. We find that, for the typical
parameter space leading to the 𝒪(107) amplification of the power spectrum required for
a sufficient PBH production, the one-loop power spectrum dominates over the tree-level one,
indicating the breakdown of the perturbation theory.