Adolescence is a period between childhood and adulthood, characterized by specific physical and psychological development. It is a transitional developmental period, rather than a single snapshot in time. Traditional neurobiological and cognitive explanations of adolescent development of behavior have failed to account for the changes in behavior observed during adolescence. Magnetic resonance imaging studies have discovered that myelinogenesis continues from childhood to adulthood in the brain's region-specific neurocircuitry, which remains structurally and functionally vulnerable to impulsive habits. The maturation of the adolescent brain is influenced by heredity, environment, and sex, and they play a crucial role in myelination. Furthermore, one of the measures extracted out of MRI studies is also the thickness of cerebral cortex, a part that harbors synapses. It is the complexity of these synapses that allows humans to generate and understand complex thoughts and feelings in the real world, including the ability to solve analogies. And it is the complexity of those connections, remaining under construction during adolescence, that may be responsible for immature and impulsive behavior and neurobehavioral excitement during the adolescent life. 9 SAŽETAK Adolescencija je period fizičkog i psihološkog razvoja, koji se odvija između detinjstva i perioda odraslog života. To je više prelazni razvojni period nego što je izolovan trenutak u vremenu. Tradicionalna neurobiološka i kognitivna objašnjenja razvoja adolescenta nisu uspela da obrazlože promene u ponašanju koje se primećuju tokom adolescencije. Naučne studije su otkrile da se mijelogeneza nastavlja u specifičnim neuronskim mrežama mozga od detinjstva do zrelosti. Sazrevanje adolescentnog mozga je pod uticajem nasleđa, okruženja i pola, koji igraju presudnu ulogu u mijelinizaciji. Složenost razvoja sinapsi omogućava ljudima stvaranje i razumevanje kompleksnih misli i oseća-nja, uključujući i sposobnost rešavanja analogija u realnom svetu. I sama kompleksnost ovih veza, koje nastavljaju razvoj tokom adolescencije, može da bude odgovorna kako za nezrelo i impulsivno ponašanje, tako i za neurobihejvioralno uzbuđenje tokom adolescentnog života