A proper k‐coloring of a graph G=(V,E) is a function c:V(G)→{1,…,k} such that c(u)≠c(v), for every uv∈E(G). The chromatic number χ(G) is the minimum k such that there exists a proper k‐coloring of G. Given a spanning subgraph H of G, a q‐backbone k‐coloring of (G,H) is a proper k‐coloring c of V(G) such that |c(u)−c(v)|≥q, for every edge uv∈E(H). The q‐backbone chromatic number BBCqfalse(G,Hfalse) is the smallest k for which there exists a q‐backbone k‐coloring of (G,H). In this work, we show that every connected graph G has a spanning tree T such that BBCqfalse(G,Tfalse)=max{χ(G),⌈⌉χ(G)2+q}, and that this value is the best possible. As a direct consequence, we get that every connected graph G has a spanning tree T for which BBC2false(G,Tfalse)=χfalse(Gfalse), if χ(G)≥4, or BBC2false(G,Tfalse)=χfalse(Gfalse)+1, otherwise. Thus, by applying the Four Color Theorem, we have that every connected nonbipartite planar graph G has a spanning tree T such that BBC2false(G,Tfalse)=4. This settles a question by Wang, Bu, Montassier, and Raspaud (J Combin Optim 23(1) (2012), 79–93), and generalizes a number of previous partial results to their question.