Global climate change, scarce energy resources and the increase in energy consumption make action urgently necessary. For everyday life, suggestions and legal regulations have been cre-ated to deal with the scarcity of resources and sustainability. In industry, guidelines and laws regulate the handling of resources such as electrical energy. Controlled energy policy and "voluntary" reduction of energy demand, especially in energy-intensive companies, play a de-cisive role and offer the approach for a possible resolution of this tension through the applica-tion of an energy management system. In order to achieve the goal of efficient energy man-agement, a constant individual review of the systems have to take place, for example with the help of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle at short intervals, in order to offer continuous. This pa-per examines whether the implementation of measures through standards, directives and regu-lations is sufficient to achieve the timely energy policy goals. Furthermore, it needs to be clari-fied whether energy management itself needs to be more in focus.