Magnetotactic bacteria produce iron-rich magnetic nanoparticles that are enclosed by membrane invaginations to form magnetosomes so they are able to sense and act upon Earth's magnetic field. In Magnetospirillum and other magnetotactic bacteria, to combine their magnetic moments, magnetosomes align along filaments formed by a bacterial actin homolog, MamK. Here, we present the crystal structure of a nonpolymerizing mutant of MamK from Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 at 1.8-Å resolution, revealing its close similarity to actin and MreB. The crystals contain AMPPNPbound monomeric MamK in two different conformations. To investigate conformational changes associated with polymerization, we used unmodified MamK protein and cryo-EM with helical 3D reconstruction in RELION to obtain a density map and a fully refined atomic model of MamK in filamentous form at 3.6-Å resolution. The filament is parallel (polar) double-helical, with a rise of 52.2 Å and a twist of 23.8°. As shown previously and unusually for actin-like filaments, the MamK subunits from each of the two strands are juxtaposed, creating an additional twofold axis along the filament. Compared with monomeric MamK, ADP-bound MamK in the filament undergoes a conformational change, rotating domains I and II against each other to further close the interdomain cleft between subdomains IB and IIB. The domain movement causes several loops to close around the nucleotide-binding pocket. Glu-143, a key residue for catalysis coordinating the magnesium ion, moves closer, presumably switching nucleotide hydrolysis upon polymerization-one of the hallmarks of cytomotive filaments of the actin type.magnetotactic bacteria | magnetosomes | filamentous proteins | bacterial cytoskeleton | cryo-EM I t was discovered in 1975 by Richard Blakemore that certain bacteria sense magnetic fields and swim according to the field's direction (1). The cells contain specialized iron-rich, membranebounded organelles, magnetosomes (2, 3). Magnetosomes contain magnetic nanoparticles that either together confer a magnetic moment to the bacterium or produce a signal that is used by the bacterium's chemotaxis machinery to swim in a particular direction.Magnetosomes occur in many different bacteria, but have been studied in some detail in gram-negative Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense and Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. In these organisms, typically 10 to 20 magnetosomes form as invaginations of the inner membrane, meaning that the nanoparticles are outside of the inner membrane, in the periplasm (4). They align along a straight line, into a chain, along the inner perimeter of the helical cells. Biomineralization and membrane invagination are somewhat coupled, although first empty or almost empty membrane invaginations form (5).In Magnetospirillum, magnetosome formation is encoded in gene clusters, included in a large magnetosome island. Many genes are required because the process of magnetosome formation is complex, requiring iron uptake, iron transport, biomineralization, membrane enclosure, m...