dThis study shows that the geogenic factors landform, lithology, and underlying mineral deposits (expressed by elevated metal concentrations in overlying soils) are key drivers of microbial community diversity in naturally metal-rich Australian soils with different land uses, i.e., agriculture versus natural bushland. One hundred sixty-eight soil samples were obtained from two metal-rich provinces in Australia, i.e., the Fifield Au-Pt field (New South Wales) and the Hillside Cu-Au-U rare-earth-element (REE) deposit (South Australia). Soils were analyzed using three-domain multiplex terminal-restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism (M-TRFLP) and PhyloChip microarrays. Geogenic factors were determined using field-mapping techniques and analyses of >50 geochemical parameters. At Fifield, microbial communities differed significantly with geogenic factors and equally with land use (P < 0.05). At Hillside, communities in surface soils (0.03-to 0.2-m depth) differed significantly with landform and land use (P < 0.05). Communities in deeper soils (>0.2 m) differed significantly with lithology and mineral deposit (P < 0.05). Across both sites, elevated metal contents in soils overlying mineral deposits were selective for a range of bacterial taxa, most importantly Acidobacteria, Bacilli, Betaproteobacteria, and Epsilonproteobacteria. In conclusion, long-term geogenic factors can be just as important as land use in determining soil microbial community diversity.
Determining the drivers of microbial community composition in soils is challenging, because soils are complex ecosystems containing numerous ecological niches. This results in an immense diversity, with up to thousands of taxa per gram of soil (1). Land use, climate, vegetation, soil type, and anthropogenic pollution are strongly linked to soil microbial community structures, functions, and activities at many sites (2-4). In particular, agricultural practices are known to drive differences in soil microbial communities (5). Influences of geogenic factors, e.g., landform, underlying lithologies, and mineral deposits on soil microbial communities, have received little attention. However, three studies of soils from Switzerland and Nepal have shown that geological/mineralogical factors can significantly affect species assemblages and functions (6-8).A primary goal of geomicrobiological research is to link microbial communities and metal cycling in metallogenic environments and to determine how communities are structured due to metalassociated drivers (9). Microorganisms play a pivotal role in the biogeochemical cycling of many metals, particularly those essential for cell function, e.g., Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, V, W, and Zn, and those oxidized or reduced in catabolic reactions to gain metabolic energy, e.g., As, Fe, Mn, Mo, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, U, and V (10). Therefore, metal-rich environments are useful model systems allowing links between microbial taxa and geochemical parameters to be identified (11).To date, mine tailing and acid mine drainage sites have been ...