In April 2024, the University of Rochester Eastman Institute for Oral Health (EIOH) hosted an inaugural Cariology Conference entitled “Past, Present & Future of Cariology.” This inaugural conference focused primarily on early childhood caries (ECC). Invited talks covered multidisciplinary topics, including microbial pathways, perinatal approaches, genomics, social determinants, evidence-based care including epidemiology and therapeutics, and the groundbreaking role of teledentistry. To move forward, we concluded that integrative and innovative programs, including multifaceted and multimodal approaches in both perinatal and postnatal care, are essential, and an assertive drive toward evidence-based care models is occurring. With a “no child left behind” philosophy, impactful translational and epidemiological studies are needed to realize the promise of science that reduces and eliminates oral health disparities involving dental caries. Knowledge Transfer Statement: It is evident that some progress in reducing ECC prevalence in children has been made, but these improvements are not equally distributed. Systemic inequities in oral health among the youngest, most vulnerable children must be reduced.