Allergic diseases and asthma are heterogenous chronic inflammatory conditions with several distinct complex endotypes. Both environmental and genetic factors can influence the development and progression of allergy. Complex pathogenetic pathways observed in allergic disorders present a challenge in patient management and successful targeted treatment strategies. The increasing availability of high-throughput omics technologies, such as genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics allows studying biochemical systems and pathophysiological processes underlying allergic responses. Additionally, omics techniques present clinical These different cellular components are tightly interconnected with TA B L E 1 Summary of methods, protocols, and data analysis pipelines most frequently used in omics approaches for allergic diseases research Methods and protocols Data analysis pipeline Mechanisms of allergic diseases Genomics and transcriptomics Microarray 181,182GWAS 183 and RNA microarray bioinformatics 184,185