Klebsiella pneumoniae causes a fatal disease in human being. The pathogen is associated with respiratory tract and lung infection responsible for respiratory mechanism. K. pneumoniae strain Borkar was also found to affect the respiratory mechanism of plant root system in Solanaceous plants. The bacterium blocks the root respiration, producing anaerobic condition and alcohol emitting foul smell in the root surrounding, which results in wilting and death of the plants (plant mortality). The symptoms of plant mortality include the wilting of affected plant seedlings and foul smell of the root system. The association of the bacterium was observed on all over the root surface but not in the root tissues. There were no changes in the root morphology or its discolouration occurred. The bacterium K.pneumoniae in human being as well as in plant seems to affect the respiratory mechanism. The wilting/death of seedlings or plants caused due to hindrance in root respiration are termed as plan mortality. The seedlings grown n soil infested with K.pneumoniae dies within a week period. In host range studies of the bacterium, out of 32 crop plants tested, only 6 were found to be susceptible to get plant mortality symptoms. These were tomato, chilli and eggplant seedlings, which showed wilting in 8 days, whereas ladies finger, green gram and horse gram showed wilting in 21, 22 and 31 days, respectively.