This study was conducted to investigate the effects of soil structure on bromide transport through three soils with granular, prismatic, and single-grain structures. The breakthrough curve (BTC) of the single-grain structure was sigmoidal, symmetrical and similar to a piston flow, showing the dominance of mass flow. In contrast, the BTCs of the granular and prismatic structures were initially steep, becoming more gradual at high pore volumes (PVs). The stable structure and preferential pathways caused the early breakthrough of BrP P in the leachate of these columns. The convection dispersion equation (CDE), mobile-immobile water (MIM), and dualpermeability (DP) models were fitted to observed data using the program HYDRUS-1D. The equilibrium transport model (CDE) was not as successful as non-equilibrium (MIM and DP) models in describing the Br transport in prismatic and granular soil columns, although it was able to describe the Br transport in single-grain column well. Overall the results demonstrated the importance of soil structure in pollutant transport through soils. Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 12:08 17 July 2015A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t