Stable environment in Indonesia all year is good for mushroom growth (Aryantha 2005). Many mushrooms in Indonesia are often used as food, one of which is Volvariella volvacea (V. volvacea) . V. volvacea has distinct and delicious flavor, soft, elastic, makes it highly demand . Demand of V. Volvacea is high approximately 50-60% of total national production, with average of elevated demand was 20-25%/year (MAJI 2007). Production of V. volvacea peak at 70% that was from West Java, Middle Java, East Java, and Lampung (Tridjaja 2005; Sumiati and Djuariah 2007). In 2015, mushroom demands gradually increase that peaked 17500 ton/year, whereas only 13825 ton/year has been fullfiled (MAJI 2007). Obstacles commonly encountered during production of V. volvacea is decreased yields due to high contamination (Sinaga 2012). Approach increasing growth using Mushroom Growth Promoting Bacteria (MGPB) are therefore needed. Young et al. (2013) found bacteria that produces metabolite in growth medium of Agaricus blazei in dissolving metal, calcium, and nitrogen fixation that Paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) contains high protein content and delicious flavor, makes it highly demand each year. Production of V. volvacea does not merit the requirements due to its limited production. Therefore, approach in increasing production using Mushroom Growth Promoting Bacteria (MGPB) are needed. This study aims to obtain MGPB isolate as potential agent to increase V. volvacea strain WW-08 growth. This is experimental research in laboratory that consisted of indigenous bacteria isolation, MGPB screening with dual culture, MGPB inoculum optimization, molecular identification of selected MGPB using 16S rRNA, protein profiling with SDS-PAGE, and fruting body production. Indigenous bacteria obtained
Key words: Bacillus cereus, Mushroom Growth Promoting Bacteria (MGPB), Volvariella volvacea WW-08Jamur merang (Volvariella volvacea) mengandung protein tinggi dan rasa yang lezat, yang menyebabkan permintaan meningkat setiap tahunnya. Produksi V. volvacea ini sangat terbatas sehingga tidak mencukupi kebutuhan di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu salah satu cara yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan produksi dengan menggunakan pendekatan Mushroom Growth Promoting Bacteria (MGPB). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat MGPB sebagai agen potensial untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan V. volvacea strain WW-08. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental di laboratorium yang terdiri dari isolasi bakteri, penyaringan MGPB dengan metode dual culture, optimasi inokulum MGPB, identifikasi molekuler MGPB terpilih dengan menggunakan 16S rRNA, profil protein dengan menggunakan SDS-PAGE, dan produksi tubuh buah jamur. Bakteri yang diperoleh dari hasil isolasi media pertumbuhan sebanyak 58 isolat, dan bakteri W34 pada