SummaryFrom the perspective of a bacterium, higher eukaryotes are oversexed, unadventurous and reproduce in an inconvenient way. Sex, or recombination following horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events, to be less provocative, is a rare event for a bacterium, but a potentially profound one. Through HGT a bacterium can acquire DNA from distant as well as closely related species and, thereby, instantly obtain genes that encode novel functions or replace its existing genes with better ones. While there is an abundance of retrospective evidence for HGT in bacteria, there has been little consideration of the dynamics of the process. In this issue of Molecular Microbiology Lind et al. explore these dynamics theoretically, and then experimentally by substituting Salmonella Typhimurium ribosomal genes with orthologues from various microbial origins. The authors show that the majority of these newly acquired ribosomal proteins reduce fitness in S. Typhimurium, but within short order (40-250 generations) subsequent evolution will mitigate the fitness costs of the alien alleles. The presented results suggest that that at least the initial phase of adapting to alien genes of this informational core ilk is not by changing them but rather by increasing their level of expression by gene amplification. Lind et al. argue that their results provide an explanation as to why duplicated genes are overrepresented among horizontally transferred genes. Do we believe in evolution? Believe in it? We've seen it, as has everybody else with the good taste to do research with bacteria. Indeed, even the more intelligently designed Creationists accept the kind of evolution we see.Small changes in the genetic composition of populations over relatively short periods of time, so-called microevolutionary events, are readily observed, whether we want to see them or not. But, what about evolutionary events that occurred before we appeared on the scene; can we do more than just make up stories about the genetic and ecological (selection) processes responsible and illustrate them with equations and sequences of As, Ts, Cs and Gs extracted from extant or very recently extinct organisms? The answer is yes. With bacteria that can be cultured in the lab, we can do experiments to test evolutionary hypotheses. To be sure, evidence gathered in this way only supports or refutes the evolutionary hypotheses being tested, but that's all that Science (inductive inference, if you prefer) can do anyhow. We cannot say with absolute assurance that's how evolution proceeded, and couldn't even if we were eyewitnesses to that evolution.The study by Lind et al. (2010) in this issue off Molecular Microbiology addresses the evolutionary